Sunday, February 9, 2014

My Response to Matts Fifth Blog

I like your post this week, especially considering I wrote about the same thing, yet our posts are so different. I really liked your comment about how we intervene when we feel threatened, and not because we are obligated. This is so true. I have some questions for you, however, which you don't have to answer but you should think about!

First, why was Cuba being communist even an issue? I don't know much about it so I'm not necessarily disagreeing with what you said, but I just don't get why the U.S. would care. Its not like Cuba was forcing us to be communists. So why did we need to step in and try to stop it?

Second, as far as invading the Dominican Republic goes, what do you really think would have happened if the U.S. didn't intervene? I don't see it being the end of the world, but that's just me.

I do have to say, however, that I disagree with you on the issue of a humanitarian crisis. This is the only time countries actually need help. When a country is suffering from a humanitarian crisis and they ask for help, it means you are actually wanted. If a country intervenes on another country simply because it feels threatened, then I doubt the country that is being intervened on even wants that country bugging it in the first place. I think countries should just leave each other in peace unless a country cries out for help. 

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