Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Blog One

Hello everyone!

So first I guess I'm supposed to say some things about myself and my life. I'm 18, have not picked a major, but am pursuing a minor in studio art (the sun I made below was actually inspired by this class). I don't know what it is about doodling, painting, ceramics, crafting, coloring, photography, or fashion, but I love it all. I've always been creative and wish I could major in studio art, but my dad is paying for some of my schooling so I am lucky I get to even minor in it. I am hoping to study abroad in China on a faculty lead program by my ceramics professor Hoon Lee. Basically if I could just travel the world as a hippie and create art all day I would be happy with my life. I also love to do community service, mostly which is targeted towards children, nature, or women.

I chose to take this class because I am 1/4 Mexican, but due to my mother not always being around I haven't always had many opportunities to spend time with that side of the family and learn about the culture that comes with a Mexican heritage. I took two years of Spanish in high school, and did well in it, yet didn't really feel like I learned much. I think I picked up on more Spanish working three months in a Mexican restaurant than spending two semesters in Spanish class! The downside to my choice of taking this class is I didn't exactly realize it was a history class, and I really am not too fond of history. I have a hard time remembering dates and names so this class is a challenge. However, being in the honors college I did expect to be challenged, so I'm just trying my best. This is my favorite class this semester, and was my third favorite last semester, so I guess you could say it has grown on me.

I guess I'm done here. I feel like I said a lot!

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