Monday, January 20, 2014

Response to Leah's Second Blog

You asked what defines a barbarian, so I will answer! 

I would like to use a cartoon to show what most people think a barbarian is. I'm not sure if you ever watched or if you remember the disney channel cartoon Dave the Barbarian? Haha, yes. Here is another disney reference from a fellow Latin American Civ. member. Well, the main character Dave, was considered to be a barbarian. He and his family members are perfect examples of the typical savage one would picture when describing a barbarian. Fur clothes and shoes, Dave's younger sister wore a bone in her hair, and dave wasn't particularly smart. He was strong, but had no brains. Also, Dave and his family of barbarians lived wayyyy back in time, which makes them seem more primitive in nature.

I think this exemplifies how most Americans view what a barbarian is. When I think of the word Barbarian, I think of someone who lacks intelligence, someone who is unfamiliar with new technology, but also someone who existed a long time ago. Sort of like a step up from a caveman.

So yeah, that's what I think of Barbarians!

pictures found at:

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